June 7, 2010

World Cup Histeria!

Asikk.. Bentar lg piala dunia dimulai, yeah! Seluruh dunia sepertinya uda merasakan atmosfernya.. Semua serba piala bola, hahaha! Well mungqn bagi sebagian org c biasanya aja yah tp bagi gw rasanya seru aja gt. Menyaksikan toko2 didekor sesuai tema bola, mendengarkan teman2 saling debat ttg negara2 jagoan mereka, menemukan donat dengan topingnya gambar bola ampe di-tag di video teman (yg memang gemar karokean n sdikit narsis) nyanyi anthem nya piala dunia.. Hehehe :D

Hal2 itu entah knp memberikan efek yg positif bwat gw. Hmm sepertinya mank spirit of football kayanya bisa bgt membuat gw bersemangat lagi menghadap hari2 yg sibuk n melelahkan, hehehe.. Jd pastinya walopun seharian beraktivitas, ga ketinggalan donk bwat begadang nonton pertandingannya :p apalagi kalo Inggris yg maen (walopun tanpa Terry, hix!)

Gila, gw jg ngebayangin gmn kalo suatu hari nanti (hmm targetnya c piala eropa 2016 di Perancis, haha) gw menyaksikan ajang pertandingan sepak bola internasional secara langsung di stadion bersama puluhan ribu org dr berbagai belahan dunia yg juga mencintai sepak bola.. Huahh, bisa2 gw ga tidur2 deh saking semangatnya! Lebay mode: ON.

June 6, 2010

Trust in Love, Ric..

Yesterday I was watching a romantic comedy DVD titled When in Rome.. Somehow I feel quite similar with the girl named Beth in this movie. She's an ambitious young New Yorker (Kristen Bell) that disillusioned with romance. She doesn't trust in love because she has been hurt in the past.. She loves her job so much, busy as hell and has a great career.

Let me quote what she said, well more or less.. " I hope to meet a guy who can make me fall in love more than my job does, which is so important in my life" and when she tried to convice herself by saying "Trust in love, Beth.." several times.

Anyway, it's a great movie.. Happy ending at last. Well, a little bit worried about the ending coz there are some twists! However, I love that :) and the message is clear: fairy tale does exists, love is real! You just have to believe..

May 30, 2010

Morning Disaster

Hari ini pagi2 gw isenk keliling komplek naek Mioul n smua berjalan dengan lancar ampe bokap minta dibonceng ama gw. FYI ini pertama kalinya gw ngebonceng orang naek motor jadi yah rada kagok aja.. Awalnya pas jalan aja rada oleng2 gt, ga biasa. Uda muter2 komplek dengan selamat akhirnya mau balik ke rumah n karena jalan ujung rumah gw diportal makanya puter balik.. Tp sayangnya karena 1 dan lain hal, alhasil gw jatoh >.<

Ada 3 hal yg membuat gw jatoh..
1. gw puter balik dgn belok ke kanan (searah jarum jam) yg lebih kagok dibanding arah sebaliknya
2. gw ga biasa (ga pernah malah) negbonceng orang sebelumnya apalg pas puter balik
3. bokap gw pake bilank "wah, jatoh nih.. jatoh nih.." yg bikin gw panik n malah ngegas menuju tanah merah yg licin

Yah pokoknya singkat kata akhirnya gw jatoh ke arah kiri di tanah merah. Gw c ga luka2 amat, cuman berdarah dikit di ujung siku n baju gw kotor ama tanah merah.. Cuman kasian bokap gw, dy nahan motor supaya gw ga ketimpa n betisnya kena knalpot! Huaa, kasian ngeliatnya.. Detailnya gimana disensor ah, soalnya gw juga rada merinding ngejelasinnya. Duh gara2 gw tuh, sigh!

Ktnya kalo dy ga kaya gt bs2 gw gepeng ketimpa motor. Gila bokap gw rela berkorban demi gw, membiarkan dirinya terluka asal gw ga knp2.. Hix, terharu! Mank bener yah, cinta itu pengorbanan. Tp tetep aja ngerasa bersalah nih, huhuhu :'(

May 27, 2010


Bagaikan beruang2 kutub yg lucu n menggemaskan, gw pun berhibernasi.. Setelah gw liat kalender n mulai ngitung2 hari, tnyata gw berhibernasi selama 75 hari saudara2! Hahaha :D eh, tp jangan dikira gw tidur selama itu yah (itu c namanya mati suri!) yg gw maxud ini terkait dengan kegiatan blogging gw.

Anyway.. Rekor baru terpecahkan! Ga pernah sebelumnya dr pertama kali gw bikin blog, gw hibernasi sekian lama.. Mank c dr awal th 2010 kayanya uda mulai ada gejala2 mau begitu, secara gw sering kejar terbit (gantinya kejar tayang) hehehe ampe akhirnya beneran juga deh ga pernah update2 blog lg selama 2,5 bulan ke belakang >.<

Fiuh, artinya ntar di archive blog gw ada 2 bulan bolong deh! Hmm, ralat.. Blog gw di FS dulu juga sempet bolong tnyata, Oktober 2007. Hehehe, yah mudah2an ke depannya ga gt lg deh :p

March 10, 2010

Learning By Going

Some say that experience is the best teacher.. I used to think such quote was so cliche. However, once it happened to me I do agree and believe that it's totally true..

Many things we can learn not only from class but also from "street" which is the place where you should be in the future. Honestly, I've got many lesson learned since the beginning of this week though I wasn't even go into the class.

And why do I agree about experience as the best teacher is coz when we do something for real, we really feel the situation either good or bad. Also in my case, when my experiences accumulate then all things tend to be better.. Better means find a better way, get better result and be a better me!

March 8, 2010

Fantasy Feat. Johny Depp

In these 2 days I've watched 2 fantasy movies, both with Johny Depp as the actor. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and Alice in Wonderland.

I'm a fan of Johny Depp. Yup, I admire him coz he doesn't keep his image to be "good" or "clean" such as kind man, prince charming, public heroes or handsome guy in tuxedo but he also does play a unique or weird character. As the proof, he acts as The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland with mess-up orange curly hair and fully make-up white face (just imagine clown..) and in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus as character who live in an old lady's imagination.

Well for me, that doesn't make him good at all.. However, what he does makes him GREAT. And I love it! ;)

March 5, 2010

White Lies

I did white lies..

Actually I don't wanna do such things. However, I feel that it will be better for everyone if I don't say the truth.. So I lied. That's the meaning of white lies, right?

The next question is whether white lies is good or not.. Well, for some situations I think that white lies sometimes could become win-win solution for each party involved. Everyone's happy and feel the advantages from it, then how could it called bad?

That's my opinion. Maybe it's subjective, or it's a way for me to make myself more comfortable, or to reduce my guilty feelings. I don't know yet..