September 30, 2009

Terima kasih, Tuhan..

Sesungguhnya, tangan Tuhan tak kurang panjang untuk menolong.
Dan telinga-Nya tak kurang tajam untuk mendengar..

Terkadang Ia memang lambat, tapi tak pernah sekalipun terlambat. Terima kasih, Tuhan..

September 29, 2009

Here I Am To Worship (Remix Version)

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sins upon that cross

Hahaha.. Gokil abis ni lagu! Biasanya kalo pas PD pasti qta nyanyinya tuh yg biasa kan, versi slow2 gt.. Nah gw punya yg remix version, dikasih dr tmn gw n gara2 gw sering denger jdnya yg terngiang di kepala tuh jd yg versi ngebeat bo!

Mantep2, lagu rohani bs dibikin kaya gt jg. Kalo ga merhatiin liriknya pasti diqra lagu remix pd umumnya, hohoho! Hmm, jd teringat ama Christian Rocker hehe ;)

September 28, 2009

Nanas Subang

Kmrn bokap gw dpt oleh2 nanas subang dr anak buahnya.. Sempet kaget jg c, abisnya ukurannya beda dr yg standar alias jumbo. Hahaha ;D nah pas dibuka n dicobain, wuih rasanya mantap! Aerny bnyk n ga ada asem2nya sdikit pun, manis bgtt! Makanya disebutnya nanas si madu kalo ga salah, hehe.. Ktnya dr 1 kebon, nanas kaya gt paling cm ada 2-3 buah doank. Mungqn kalo di bangsanya kelapa c kelapa puan kali ye..

Nah, trus mau dijus nih critanya.. Panas2, pasti seger bgt donk minum jus nanas! Hohoho, tp nyokap gw ngasih aernya kbanyakan. Ktnya abis nanasnya gede n bnyk yg dimasukin ke blender jd aernya jg hrs bnyk n masih ditambahin es batu n carnation ama bokap gw! Trus dijus deh n tnyata pas dicobain.. Ga ada rasa!! Cm kerasa susu doank >.< akhirnya aernya dibuang stngh trus akhirnya smuanya nanasnya dimasukin jd total 1 buah nanas, haha.

Tp sungguh disayangkan.. Tnyata gagal lg, yg ada malah jd pait! :( hmm, mungqn mank nanas subang ga boleh dijus kali yah?! Jdnya gt deh, tp krn uda jadi yah mau ga mau diminum aja abisnya sayang.. Bokap gw akhirnya minum jus 3 gelas jus yg tinggi gt. Hoho, gw rayu2 n bilank “yah gpplah pa, bwat nurunin darah..” hehehe ;)

September 27, 2009

The Happiest Job in the World

Waktu gw nungguin giliran mau potong rambut di Johny Andrean (yg penuh abis, mungqn krn hari minggu skaligus hr trkahir liburan kali ye) gw bermaksud ngambil bacaan biar ga bosen.. Krn gw asal ngambil aja, yg keambil ama gw adlh katalognya wedding dress Tina Andrean. Trus gw ngebuka halaman pertama n ada semacem kata pengantar gt dr si Tina-nya..

Gw blum slese baca smuanya c, kburu dipanggil ama mba2nya bwat dicuci rambutnya.. Tp awal2nya pokoknya dy bilank kalo she’s the happiest person in the world. Knp? Gw jg pertamanya ngira, heh knp ni org ngmng2 kaya gt?! Trus gw baca lanjutannya.. Dy bilank gmn ga happy, stiap hari kerjaannya dy ketemu ama calon pengantin yg mukanya berseri2 nyambut “their dreams come true day” yah scr dy jual adlh sesuatu yg menjadi bagian penting n signifikan bwat penampilan sang pengantin. Dan pastinya pasangan2 itu berbahagia donk menyambut wedding mereka yg merupakan perayaan ato perwujudan cinta mereka (kecuali kalo ada yg kasus kawin paksa kali yah, tp itu pengecualian jd ga usah dianggap hahaha).

Gw jd sempet mikir pas rambut gw lg dicuci.. Hmm, bener jg si Tina yah. Pekerjaannya dy mank atmosfirnya pasti bahagia mulu.. Ga kaya pekerjaan di rumah sakit ato rumah duka gt. Sbelumnya jujur gw ga tll merhatiin ttg jenis pekerjaan bdasarkan kaya gt c.. Dan gw jd pengen punya job yg “bahagia” jg, bs ngeliat org2 bahagia stiap hari gw rasa menyenangkan ^^

Well, gw sempet pengen c jd Wedding Organizer brg ama tmn gw (yg punya keinginan yg sama wkt qta ngbrl2 sante) krn yah itu atmosfirnya penuh dgn kebahagiaan walopun mank pekerjaan WO sbener2nya mungqn repot n bikin cape tp kalo bs nyelesain tgsnya dgn sukses, yg didpt bukan sekedar fee semata tp jg kepuasan hati krn bs ngebantuin org n org itu berbahagia. I think that would be a wonderful feeling..

September 26, 2009

Advice Matter

Ga tau knp gw tuh sebel bgt ama org yg suka ngasih advice ke org laen tp dirinya sendiri tuh lebih parah n boro2 bwat nerapin advice nya itu.. Mnurut gw, org kaya gt lebih nyebelin dibanding org yg NATO (not action talk only) krn selaen NATO pastinya tuh org ga nyadar diri, sok paling tau pdhal kenyataannya.. :p

Mending sbelum ngasih advice ke org, coba pikir dl donk.. Mungqn aja tuh advice lebih cocok ama dirinya ndiri. Lagian kalo sendirinya ga ngejalanin gmn org mau percaya?! Ato kalo advicenya mank ‘general truth’ pun org pasti bakal ngerasa “Eh apaan c loe, sok2 ngasih gw advice pdhal loe ndiri kaya gt? Ngaca donk..” yah ibaratnya kaya pengemis ngasih advice ke pedagang spy jd kaya. Nah, aneh kan?! Makanya kalo mau ngasih advice c boleh2 aja, asal tau diri n posisi loe ada dimana.. Drpd nantinya jd bikin org kesel n ga respek ama loe.

September 25, 2009

Meet The Valuator!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen..
According to our previous meeting about Sampoerna’s acquisition, me and my team as your financial consultant have calculated the value of Sampoerna’s business.
What we’ve done as the valuator is not only look for their total assets which is written clearly in the balance sheet, but also look for the fundamental aspects, future prospects of the company. So we made projections from their previous financial statement and the methods that we used are CPF and the multiple valuation..

Well, I think that’s enough.

Dreaming in the middle of working in Business Valuation project assignment mode: OFF
Wondering how to make Sampoerna’s financial statement projections mode: ON

September 24, 2009

Will It Be My Lucky 7?

September 7th is the first day of my 7th semester (my final year at PM as well!) and for this semester I took 19 credits.. The compulsory courses I must take are Business Law, International Business and Global Communication a.k.a English Class with TBI (For this time, they say it’s an IELTS prep. But for me, it’s just still another English course.. Well, I don’t hate English but is there any semester in Prasetiya Mulya without an English course in it? Haha maybe next semester, which is the last one just before you graduate >.<)

And then, there’s concentration compulsory course. My concentration is Corporate Finance so that would be Investment & Portfolio Management (And you know what? One of its lecturers is Mr. Lukas, whose name same with me ^^ But unfortunately, I missed his class on the second week! Damn..) Next is Hatching Program (Coz I chose Business Project as my final assignment, I should take this course. Well, it provides opportunity for turning business idea into an innovative comprehensive plan or you can translate it as a lot of assignments).

In total I took 7 courses, so it’s still 2 courses remaining which are the elective courses.. In elective courses, we can choose whatever courses we like whether it’s a part of your concentration or not. Well, it’s quite a lot of choice and has made the students confused and didn’t sure about their choices.. So am I! At first, I wanna take Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Valuation. But after joined the class and several other classes I decided to cancel the Entrepreneurial Finance and took the International Finance..

Hmm, overall I see this semester is harder than the last semester. But hopefully I can make it through the (assignments) rain, hahaha.. Well I’m not thinking about targeting the result should be the same as the 6th semester (Maybe 6 is my lucky number you know, coz I’m just wondering.. Ah, never mind! But maybe I’ll discuss it someday) so just do my best n let God take care of the rest. Will it be my lucky 7? We’ll see..

September 23, 2009


Kmrn2 gw sempet ngerasa gw egois bgt.. Gw br mulai ngerasa kalo tnyata fakta gw adalah anak tunggal sdikit bnyk memberikan pengaruh bwat gw. Yap, gw ngerasa ego gw tinggi.. Pokoknya keinginan gw yg hrs slalu dituruti, ga mikirin org laen, n seenaknya sendiri!

Mank kayanya kekanak2an bgt n gw sadar ge ngerasa it’s so uncool.. Tp entah knp wkt itu gw ga bs ngalahin ego gw itu, kayanya susah aja gt >.< hix!

Fiuh.. Yah, tp gw hrs ngalahin ego gw ndiri itu. Seiring berjalannya wkt gw akan trus belajar, mank ga gampang tp gw janji gw akan berusaha.. Coz I wanna be a better person :)

September 22, 2009

Love at the Second Sight

Feel weird about the title above? Well, I guess we’ve been so familiar with the phrase “Love at the First Sight” but it’s not a wrong title anyway.. :)

First of all, do you believe in love at the first sight? Coz I don’t! For me, you can’t just love someone since the first time you see him or her.. Love needs process. What people (whose love is in the air) said is definitely not love, but maybe just like or crush coz all you know about them is nothing but physical.. What you love from them is only their physical appearance, maybe her sexy body or his cute smile? How could you know someone in their inside, whether they’re nice, caring, mature, responsible or mean, liar, lazy, pathetic and so on if you never interact with them before? Then how could you say it as love?

Second of all, while there’s no love at the first sight but there is love at the second sight.. Well, it’s just my theory, so feel free to disagree.. This is a democratic state, right? And that means I do have rights as well to share my opinions, thoughts or feelings. That’s what blogs are for! Thanks to blog inventor :D

Anyway, let’s back to the topic! So, love at the second sight is when you’ve known about him or her, you know it’s like common relationship a.k.a friends and for any reasons, you both are losing contact or maybe just not so keep in touch with each other for a while.. Then the next time you see him or her again, they’ve changed (in a good way, hmm maybe looks better or something) or seems changed (they’re just the same but what has changed is the way you looked them or you’re finally realized) and you feel you’re in love with them!

Long definition, isn’t it? Hahaha, hope you’ll understand.. For me, what I called as love at the second sight is more real and true than the famous love at the first sight. Coz love at the second sight you love them completely, not only the outside but also the inside..

Third and also last of all, hmm.. I think the love at the second sight is happening to me ;p

September 21, 2009

ITB Trip

Mungqn uda agak basi c ceritanya, tp gpp dah blum seminggu ini hehe.. Jd hari selasa kmrn gw n anak2 Hatching Program (kecuali Ridho, anak Project Improvement yg menyusup hehehe) ada Campus Visit ke ITB, Bandung. Tepatnya ke STEI, Magister Elektro jurusan Digital Media & Game Technology..

Qta kesana utk nambah inspirasi bwat ide bisnis yg bakal qta ajuin.. Krn mank kesulitan qta sbg anak bisnis dr zaman dulu (maxudnya smstr 1) berkaitan ama yg namanya teknologi, walopun qta punya ide n inovasi yg brilian gmn pun tp qta sk susah ngewujudinnya krn mank ga punya background ttg itu ato nau cari partner yg mank punya kompetensi pun sulit kadang2.

Nah, beda lg ama kesulitannya anak teknik.. Mereka mank jago bikin “macem2” tp sulit utk masarin ato mala menurut gw mereka cenderung idealis jd apa yg mereka bikin ga bisa diterima pasar. So yah gw akui sebenernya tujuan dr Campus Visit ini ok juga apalg kalo akhirnya diadain kerja sama utk saling ngisi “kebolongan” yg ada..

Gw berangkat dr rumah jem 6, nyampe jem 6.30, tp br brangkat busnya dr kampus jem 7 (pdhal uda dibilangin suruh dtng jem 6.30 yah gpplah yg penting gw on time hehe) nyampe sananya skitar jem 9.30an trus ke ruang multimedia dikasih briefing n kuliah singkat gt ampe jem 12an.. Trus acara selanjutnya qta dibagi 2 rombongan, sebagian ke lab, sebagian lg istirahat. Kbetulan kelompok gw dptnya yg istirahat dl, hoho thx God abisnya qta uda pd laper jg euy..

Tp stlh keluar qta mala bingung, abisnya lg bulan puasa kantin pd tutup! Jdlah kelompok gw n 2 kelompok yg laen nyari makan di luar ITB.. Naek angkot akhirnya tiba di McD, makan paket bareng hemat hoho! Uda kenyang, bakik ngeliat lab n barang2 di dalamnya, komentar gw “wah hebat yah, ko bs bikin kaya gtan?” hehehe, maklum di PM apalag jurusan Finance ga pernah tuh bersentuhan ama yg namanya dgn kabel2 dlm jumlah bnyk, alat peraga, logaritma n bhs pemrograman, yah gt deh jdnya norak! ;p

Abis slese, disebutnya c jam bebas.. Diqrain bentar doank jd gw n bbrp tmn gw keliling ITB (kpn lg gw bs ke sono?!) n foto2 haha! Scr lmyn bnyk objek yg bs difoto, scr areanya jg luas kalo dibandingin ama PM yg “homy” hehe, ga mau disebut kecil.

Tnyata jam bebasnya lamaaa.. Tmn gw mala ada yg belanja oleh2 dulu! Curank.. Tau gt gw jg ikutan deh. Brangkat dr Bandung skitar jem 4an, perjalanan pulang brenti dl di Rest Area beli makanan bwat buka puasa.. Trus ada salah satu tmn gw yg ultah jg, jd dirayain di bus gt hehehe sweet yah :) dan akhirnya nyampe kampus jem 7 kurang gt. Cape jg seharian tp senank c, hehehe..

September 20, 2009

Days Off

It’s been a while from the last time I wrote.. I don’t know, I just felt not-in-the-mood for blogging. Haha, finally I’ve got the feeling!

Well, actually I have a lot of story n a lot of things to be shared.. But just like mentioned before, I really really don’t have mood right now. So maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow hopefully I’ll do blogging again, hehehe.. Cya later! :)

September 2, 2009


Hohoho, I’m so happy! Guess what?! I got a straight A last semester! Wow, amazing.. I feel so nice coz it’s my first 4.0! ^^

I know the 4.0 GPA isn’t everything, but it’s something.. You know, it’s a reflection of continuous hard work n delivery the best towards goal. PM lecture life is hard but I made it!

And what I’ve got most? Satisfaction! Haha you deserve it, ric.. You deserve it!! Great job! Well, that was another achievement for me and I’m proud of myself :)