June 7, 2010

World Cup Histeria!

Asikk.. Bentar lg piala dunia dimulai, yeah! Seluruh dunia sepertinya uda merasakan atmosfernya.. Semua serba piala bola, hahaha! Well mungqn bagi sebagian org c biasanya aja yah tp bagi gw rasanya seru aja gt. Menyaksikan toko2 didekor sesuai tema bola, mendengarkan teman2 saling debat ttg negara2 jagoan mereka, menemukan donat dengan topingnya gambar bola ampe di-tag di video teman (yg memang gemar karokean n sdikit narsis) nyanyi anthem nya piala dunia.. Hehehe :D

Hal2 itu entah knp memberikan efek yg positif bwat gw. Hmm sepertinya mank spirit of football kayanya bisa bgt membuat gw bersemangat lagi menghadap hari2 yg sibuk n melelahkan, hehehe.. Jd pastinya walopun seharian beraktivitas, ga ketinggalan donk bwat begadang nonton pertandingannya :p apalagi kalo Inggris yg maen (walopun tanpa Terry, hix!)

Gila, gw jg ngebayangin gmn kalo suatu hari nanti (hmm targetnya c piala eropa 2016 di Perancis, haha) gw menyaksikan ajang pertandingan sepak bola internasional secara langsung di stadion bersama puluhan ribu org dr berbagai belahan dunia yg juga mencintai sepak bola.. Huahh, bisa2 gw ga tidur2 deh saking semangatnya! Lebay mode: ON.

June 6, 2010

Trust in Love, Ric..

Yesterday I was watching a romantic comedy DVD titled When in Rome.. Somehow I feel quite similar with the girl named Beth in this movie. She's an ambitious young New Yorker (Kristen Bell) that disillusioned with romance. She doesn't trust in love because she has been hurt in the past.. She loves her job so much, busy as hell and has a great career.

Let me quote what she said, well more or less.. " I hope to meet a guy who can make me fall in love more than my job does, which is so important in my life" and when she tried to convice herself by saying "Trust in love, Beth.." several times.

Anyway, it's a great movie.. Happy ending at last. Well, a little bit worried about the ending coz there are some twists! However, I love that :) and the message is clear: fairy tale does exists, love is real! You just have to believe..

May 30, 2010

Morning Disaster

Hari ini pagi2 gw isenk keliling komplek naek Mioul n smua berjalan dengan lancar ampe bokap minta dibonceng ama gw. FYI ini pertama kalinya gw ngebonceng orang naek motor jadi yah rada kagok aja.. Awalnya pas jalan aja rada oleng2 gt, ga biasa. Uda muter2 komplek dengan selamat akhirnya mau balik ke rumah n karena jalan ujung rumah gw diportal makanya puter balik.. Tp sayangnya karena 1 dan lain hal, alhasil gw jatoh >.<

Ada 3 hal yg membuat gw jatoh..
1. gw puter balik dgn belok ke kanan (searah jarum jam) yg lebih kagok dibanding arah sebaliknya
2. gw ga biasa (ga pernah malah) negbonceng orang sebelumnya apalg pas puter balik
3. bokap gw pake bilank "wah, jatoh nih.. jatoh nih.." yg bikin gw panik n malah ngegas menuju tanah merah yg licin

Yah pokoknya singkat kata akhirnya gw jatoh ke arah kiri di tanah merah. Gw c ga luka2 amat, cuman berdarah dikit di ujung siku n baju gw kotor ama tanah merah.. Cuman kasian bokap gw, dy nahan motor supaya gw ga ketimpa n betisnya kena knalpot! Huaa, kasian ngeliatnya.. Detailnya gimana disensor ah, soalnya gw juga rada merinding ngejelasinnya. Duh gara2 gw tuh, sigh!

Ktnya kalo dy ga kaya gt bs2 gw gepeng ketimpa motor. Gila bokap gw rela berkorban demi gw, membiarkan dirinya terluka asal gw ga knp2.. Hix, terharu! Mank bener yah, cinta itu pengorbanan. Tp tetep aja ngerasa bersalah nih, huhuhu :'(

May 27, 2010


Bagaikan beruang2 kutub yg lucu n menggemaskan, gw pun berhibernasi.. Setelah gw liat kalender n mulai ngitung2 hari, tnyata gw berhibernasi selama 75 hari saudara2! Hahaha :D eh, tp jangan dikira gw tidur selama itu yah (itu c namanya mati suri!) yg gw maxud ini terkait dengan kegiatan blogging gw.

Anyway.. Rekor baru terpecahkan! Ga pernah sebelumnya dr pertama kali gw bikin blog, gw hibernasi sekian lama.. Mank c dr awal th 2010 kayanya uda mulai ada gejala2 mau begitu, secara gw sering kejar terbit (gantinya kejar tayang) hehehe ampe akhirnya beneran juga deh ga pernah update2 blog lg selama 2,5 bulan ke belakang >.<

Fiuh, artinya ntar di archive blog gw ada 2 bulan bolong deh! Hmm, ralat.. Blog gw di FS dulu juga sempet bolong tnyata, Oktober 2007. Hehehe, yah mudah2an ke depannya ga gt lg deh :p

March 10, 2010

Learning By Going

Some say that experience is the best teacher.. I used to think such quote was so cliche. However, once it happened to me I do agree and believe that it's totally true..

Many things we can learn not only from class but also from "street" which is the place where you should be in the future. Honestly, I've got many lesson learned since the beginning of this week though I wasn't even go into the class.

And why do I agree about experience as the best teacher is coz when we do something for real, we really feel the situation either good or bad. Also in my case, when my experiences accumulate then all things tend to be better.. Better means find a better way, get better result and be a better me!

March 8, 2010

Fantasy Feat. Johny Depp

In these 2 days I've watched 2 fantasy movies, both with Johny Depp as the actor. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and Alice in Wonderland.

I'm a fan of Johny Depp. Yup, I admire him coz he doesn't keep his image to be "good" or "clean" such as kind man, prince charming, public heroes or handsome guy in tuxedo but he also does play a unique or weird character. As the proof, he acts as The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland with mess-up orange curly hair and fully make-up white face (just imagine clown..) and in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus as character who live in an old lady's imagination.

Well for me, that doesn't make him good at all.. However, what he does makes him GREAT. And I love it! ;)

March 5, 2010

White Lies

I did white lies..

Actually I don't wanna do such things. However, I feel that it will be better for everyone if I don't say the truth.. So I lied. That's the meaning of white lies, right?

The next question is whether white lies is good or not.. Well, for some situations I think that white lies sometimes could become win-win solution for each party involved. Everyone's happy and feel the advantages from it, then how could it called bad?

That's my opinion. Maybe it's subjective, or it's a way for me to make myself more comfortable, or to reduce my guilty feelings. I don't know yet..

March 4, 2010

Aptitude Test

The event: Company Presentation and Assessment Test
Organized by: Prasetiya Mulya in collaboration with HM Sampoerna
Take place in: Praetiya Mulya Auditorium, 4th floor
What time: 09.00 AM-12.00 AM

First thing first, the HR team played a video about the Sampoerna's company profile which I 've been familiar with (Confuse? See my post H.M.S.P)

25 minutes break..

Next, the assessment test! I just know that the name of the test is Aptitude test.

What's Aptitude test?
Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance. They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions. They are strictly timed and a typical test might allow 30 minutes for 30 or so questions. Your test result will be compared to that of a control group so that judgments can be made about your abilities.
(Souce: http://www.psychometric-success.com/aptitude-tests/aptitude-tests-introduction.htm)

Actually there are many types of questions to be asked based on classification, such as verbal ability, numeric ability, abstract reasoning, spatial ability, mechanical reasoning, fault diagnosis, data checking and work sample. However, not all types of questions included in the test I've taken.

There were only 2 types of questions.. Verbal and numeric. Well, maybe those the basic standard for company to assess people they recruit.. The questions were full in English, used 2B pencil, computer answer sheet, no calculator allowed (made me memorizes the old time when I was an elementary school student) and in a  limited time!

Personally I feel I'm much better in numeric than in verbal.. Hoho, but I'm not sure either. Let's just see the result later!

March 3, 2010

Seize The Day

I can say that my activities today were full of surprise. Obviously, there was a huge deviation between what I've planned and what actually happened..

What I've planned is I'm going to do MCR project database (still 300 more data to entry and the deadline is next Monday) at the silent, cool and comfortable campus library.

What actually happened are:
- I forgot to bring the graduation book which contains the data I have to entry, thus although I brought laptop then it's useless :(
- My team mate called me when I was on my way to campus. She said that she unexpectedly could do location survey for our MasterFish business project..
- After deposited my laptop in campus locker, me and friend went to Anggrek street near Binus campus, West Jakarta to survey.
- We found a really strategic and available place, hohoho!
- I felt so wrong about my costume coz it was hot as hell (combination of an extreme bright sun and traffic jam) and I wore a black, 3/4 arm blouse >.<
- My friend asked assistance from his cousin to guide us through Binus area. Psst, well I admit that her brother is kind a cute and funny too ;p

March 2, 2010


Today's Flame destination is office buildings in South Jakarta.. Lucky us, most buildings we visited are great and nice buildings! One we love most is Arkadia Office Park or many people recognized it as Nestle tower..

Honestly, we're amazed.. Wow, the ambiance is really different with most office buildings coz once you enter the area, it feels like you're not in Jakarta with traffic jam and pollution. The buildings has Mediteranian style architecture with great, comfy and luxurious interior design.. In total, there are 6 towers (A-F) which are separated by garden, plaza, watermark, gazebo, cafe, street that integrated really cool and well-arranged :)

Me and two of my friends agreed that Arkadia is such an physically ideal place to work. Yeah, I think we're amazed (I repeat again, hehe) so maybe due to that then we act like villagers there, hoho..

February 28, 2010

Feeling Blue For The Blues

Yesterday I watched Chelsea vs Manchester City after a long period of time I haven't watched EPL.. I felt so enthustsiast coz I can see my beloved team play (again)! But sadly, at the end of the game what I've got is disapointment..

1st, Chelsea lost 2-4 from Man. City (history says in last 17 years period the blues never lose to the sky blues)
2nd, The home winning record was broken (Chelsea never lost in Stamford Bridge since November, 2008)
3rd, Team got 2 red cards (Ballack and Belletti) thus, only 9 players left on field in the second half of the game.
4th, Wayne Bridge refused to shake John Terry's hand before the beginning of the game (poor JT, he must be ashamed)
5th, It made gap between the runner up, Manchester United was reduced into only 1 point difference!

Huhuhu, hate it :( but what can we say? That's football. Just hope Chelsea will improve their performance for the next game.. Viva The Blues!

February 27, 2010

Movie Reviewer

Remembering I love watching movies, my bro asked me to contribute in his web, www.silvernatiluss.co.cc by writing movies review. So far, I've made two reviews.. IRIS and New York, I love you (please, don't hesitate to check them out!)

Well, it's quite new for me.. Indeed, I often do review movies in this blog but what I share here seems to personal and subjective. So it will be odd then if I keep my blog writing style when I make review for the official website. Hmm, actually it's not that official but I mean I should be more professional coz I think the visitors admire reviews that general, useful and objective..

I hope I can reduce my personal part into a normal level like pro movie reviewers (I'm trying) hoho.. Hopefully someday I can be like them.. Do what they like, get exclusive invitation to movies premiere, produce useful review to society, hired by professional company with great remuneration, hohoho :D

However, that condition is still far away from the now reality.. But it's okay! I'm really thankful now coz I can make review that published on a web. Although I wasn't paid but it's nothing to lose coz I can do a lot of practices, yeah! As you maybe often see at the bottom of some note book's page, "Practice makes Perfect" so special thanks to Q for giving me such an opportunity, I'll do my best!

February 25, 2010


This post is dedicated for Mrs. Jenny Sormin, the generous neighbour of mine..

I was helping my (almost desperate) friends on their project, survey about Teraskota.. What I have to do is giving the questionnaires they've made to BSD city residents, precisely in Griya Loka (my neighbourhood).

Yesterday, I did "canvasing".. As a result, some had positive respond and some hadn't. Well, I don't wanna share about the negative one coz it's not a pleasure at all to be told.. Sigh, just trying to be patient and remembering that refusal or rejection is one of this activity's consequences >.<

On the other side, I really appreciate respondents who are friendly and helpful.. I give my best appreciation to woman I wrote her name above. She was cooking at home when I knocked her fence.. With full of friendliness, she opened the door, listened to my explanation, agreed to help, accepted the questionnaires and also gave much of her attention on me :)

After thanked her, I left and had a plan to pick up the questionnaires the following day. What makes me surprise is this morning (I haven't wake up yet) she delivered the complete questionnaires together with her daughter and dog right to my house!

OMG, can't believe it.. I got a delovery! Anyway delovery is a term made by me which means delivery with love, hehe.. Obviously it was a delovery coz without love someone won't do such thing like that, right?

February 24, 2010

Multiple Preference Listener

What I prefer to listen is based on the situation and condition applied, such as..
- After morning bath: worship songs (feel blessed for the new day)
- On the way (by car): songs on radio (no advertisement, please)
- Workin with number: instrumental is the best!
- Insomnia mode at midnite: sentimental talks on radio (mellow me)
- On the way (by public transportation): romantic music
- Data entry: Japanese full beat songs (keep spirit for repetitive task)
- Internet browsing: 5 star rated play list in my C'est La vie!

February 22, 2010

Blurry Vision

I wonder why my vision become blur nowadays.. Last year, I was so sure about what I'll do next after I graduate. My one and only vision was to continue my study overseas.. There was spirit inside of me, burning like flame!

But now, my vision wasn't as clear as before.. Maybe it's due to the fact that lately I've made a lot of contact with the career world, such as workshop about how to make resume and cover letter, career day event, application online, job intermediaries sites, call from companies, psikotest invitation, vacancy advertising in newspaper, campus talent gathering, etc.

On the other side, my parent want me to take the master degree in Indonesia.. Indeed, they have their own opinion and argument even though I feel disagree, I won't let them down. So, I still can't erase such option from my consideration about my future..

There are alternatives, well sooner or later I have to choose.. However, I still confused right now. Sigh..

February 21, 2010


I've just finished watch Korean DVD series titled IRIS! Personally, I really like IRIS and I strongly recommend you to watch it..

Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. Yup, that's what's on my mind about this film.. Well, I can say that coz from the very beginning til the very end this film is full of conspiracy. It's about intelligence agents, terrorism, politic (South Korea and North Korea reunification precisely) also about friendship, betrayal, brotherhood, love and revenge..

The tempo is so fast. Therefore once you missed one episode, you mostly won't understand what's going on.. The story is unpredictable, the protagonist somehow can be antagonist and vice versa. If you desire breathtaking action, complex strategy, beautiful romance, then there you go! I'm sure you'll enjoy it..

Somehow I feel IRIS is similar with Dan Brown's stories, of course it's the Korean version the longer one (20 episodes @ 1 hour). As a result, I'm very satisfied enjoy all the conspiracy (which is so limited in Dan's Brown movies) hahaha! So, if you are a fan of Dan Brown's then you'll be love IRIS as well..

Just 1 thing I don't like from IRIS, the ending.. Damn, I do really hate the ending! It's so unexpected, I wonder how the script writer or the director could make such bad ending. I wish I could stop 10 minutes before the end of last episode coz that's much better. Sigh, but I don't think I should share how is the ending here.. So if you're curious, just watch it! :p

February 20, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl

For a special Dad..

Since the first time I saw the world, you're always by my side
Everything you've done make my life happy, meaningful and complete..

You know Dad,
It always mean a lot to me although I seldom tell you so
And I love the Dad and Daughter things we used to do together..
Sometimes I wish I could be your little girl forever.

But I feel that Daddy's girl through time has changed..
For through the years, as I have grown
So has my love for you.

Happy Birthday
From your Daughter

February 19, 2010

Getting Things Done

- Deliver PPIA-Macqurie polo shirts
  (CP: Macqurie University's student, Trista)
- Pick the graduation book and entry data excel format
  (CP: MCR database project leader, Toni)
- Bring sample of Prasetiya Mulya car pillows
  (CP: Head of PM Store, Mr. Acung)
- Call Astra International representative
  (CP: Unknown and unfriendly woman)
- Check grade history
  (CP: student.pmbs.ac.id)

- Photocopy certificates, study results, transcripts
  (CP: PM business centre staff, Mr. Hawani)
- Prepare sample of Martha Cake Shop bag
  (CP: Art Director of Phoenix Grafistama, Danny)
- Write a cancellation letter
  (CP: The Boss a.k.a my dad, Mr. Arman)
- Send revision of KPI logo design
  (CP: HR Manager of Freeport Indonesia, Mr. Juarsa)
- Watch IRIS eps. 19
  (CP: Yamaha DVD player)

- Return Teraskota survey questionnaire
  (CP: My college friends, Edwin, Stephano, William)
- Create an announcement email about MasterFish progress
  (CP: My team, Flame)
- Buy my mom's favorite milk pie tart
  (CP: Lilay Cake staff)
- Save my .docx CV as PDF format
  (CP: Prasetiya Mulya lab's computer)
- Order ballpoints, mugs and key chains
  (CP: Owner of a souvenir shop, Mr. Cipto)

February 16, 2010

High Definition of Love

Which statement is true?
LOVE = Giving what you need
LOVE = Giving what you love

*Circular Reference Warning*
One or more formulas contain a circular reference. Circular references are any references within a formula that depend upon the results of that same formula. In this case, the second formula contains a circular reference, which is the word love refers to its own word.

February 14, 2010

2 in 1

The title means there are 2 special events in 1 day.. Yup, today's both Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day! Some celebrate both of them, some celebrate only 1 of them and the rest don't celebrate them at all.. Me? Well, I'm a second category person and what I celebrate is Chinese New Year :p

Hmm, I think I don't have to explain the reason why I don't celebrate val's day anymore coz I just did that yesterday, hehehe.. However, even though I don't celebrate the valentine's day (or many called it day to celebrate love) specially, my Chinese New Year is full of love! Yeah, I'm so thankful for my little happy red family and I'm so damn happy for my reunion with my "lost" sister as well. Those are really such wonderful gifts to me, especially in this double special day. Hehehe..

February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

Tomorrow is valentine's day. For honest, I don't take it seriously.. No celebration and no valentine's details such as flower, chocolate, dinner and "I love you" whisper.

In contrast, let's flash back! Few years ago, several days before valentine's day I must be busy (choose chocolate, wrap it up, write love letters and other sentimental things to do) yeah, I used to think that valentine's day is so special.. And last year, my val's day was spent in Sukabumi with my 7 housemates. We visited local kindergarten students and shared love by giving them candies and chocolates :) so my last valentine's day wasn't that exclusive but more universal than before, hehehe..

Well maybe people do change, me as well.. This year I don't have special feeling for valentine's day. Moreover, now I'm single so clearly I don't need to celebrate such moment. I don't want celebrate universal love either on val's day coz it should be done everyday, not just a particular day..

Anyway, no offense okay? For those who celebrate the valentine's day this year, let me say "Happy Valentine's Day!"

February 12, 2010

Words of Friendship Vol. 2

Only a friend can tell you your hem is down,
or that you've got a smear of toothpaste on your face,
or that you're wearing odd shoes..

You manage alone to fall down, but it takes friendly hands to get up..

If a true friendship can be found, cherish it like a fine gem.
Polish it, go out of your way to keep and protect it.
Keep it safe, but let it shine for itself.
It will grow and grow..

A friend is the only one allowed to say "I told you so"

Friendship can mean being there, writing a letter or making a telephone call.
It can be wispy, ephemeral, solid or pragmatic, last a lifetime or a week.
It can leave bitterness or stay in memory like a warm, bright gem.
Nothing replaces friendship, not money, power, beauty, possessions or fame..

February 11, 2010

I Love Watching Movies

One of essay questions in job application I applied yesterday is about my hobbies and interests.. I answered it honestly, besides what I'm doing right now, I love watching  movies! I found that watching movies is not only entertaining, but also allows me to learn many things. There are many situations in life, different kind of people and stories about them become valuable learning experiences for people who watched. For me, life education is not only from the formal ways but can be gathered as well from fun ways! :D

For instance, yesterday I watched Max Manus: Man of War then I learned a bit of world history at world war II era, especially anti Nazi propaganda. The movie described how the situation of war was, how few young and brave men struggled for their country, how life became less important than friendship and loyalty.. Nearly equal to previous movie, there are many typical based-on-true-history movies such as Three Kingdoms, Inglorious Basterds, Red Cliff, etc. FYI, those movies aren't boring at all, coz they were already "well-packaged" in Hollywood adjustment though still provided old-time settings..

Anyway, I'm not a single genre movie addict. I love all genre of movies except horror! I really dislike horror movies coz I feel I'll get nothing useful or fun after I watch it.. Cartoons are much much better, well although the stories are dedicated for children but I found that cartoon movies have many lessons learned which are simple but deep.

Moreover, there's romantic comedy! Well, I'm a girl and of course I love something romantic and funny.. By watching this kind of movies, I feel like I'm an angel coz I can see many people and their character, their relationships and their life experiences. I learned much from that, how to interact with people, how to take decision, how to read signals, how to enjoy life, etc! Different stories, different situations, different people, different lesson learned. So the more I watch, the more lesson I could get..

So, I think now you know the reason why I love watching movies :)

February 10, 2010

Words of Friendship Vol. 1

A true friend is someone who is there for you when they're supposed to be somewhere else..

Money can buy things, good and evil.
All the wealth of the world could not buy you a friend or pay you for the loss of one..

To the young, friendship comes as the glory of the spring, a very miracle of beauty, a mystery of birth.
To the old, it has the bloom of autumn, beautiful still..

Friendship is love with understanding..

There are times when I have needed to tell someone my fear,
times when I have needed someone to share a secret,
times when I have needed someone to rejoice with me over an achievement,
and those are the times when only my friend will do..

February 9, 2010

Men & Their Songs

H0: Men are similar with their songs
H1: Men are not similar with their songs

Term Limitation
"their songs" are not always songs that they created on their own, but could be songs that they picked and gave to a woman..

"similar with/not similar with" doesn't mean it should be equally the same (how can we compare the very 2 different things?) but it's all about the characteristic of both things!

"men" well.. I think it's no need to be explained anymore coz it's clear already, right? :D

Test of Hypothesis
- Tong Hua: deep, slow but sure, consistent, mellow, long lasting
- Love Bug: nice at the beginning, cool, sudden change, popular, temporary

Accept H0

February 8, 2010

Career Gate

Although my school's graduation day will be held 10 months from now, there are already many work opportunities and vacancies available from companies either on the soft board or in mailing list.. One of the recruiter companies is Unilever, large consumer goods company in Indonesia with their Unilever Future Leader Program.

It's all began with a personal invitation from Unilever via email to attend their career day @ Balai Kartini. After I confirmed, without brought resume or transcript (coz all they wanted was the spirit), me and several my friends from Prasetiya Mulya went together by Ades's car. Actually it's a full load (8 people) so thanks God, the car is Kijang Innova..

The event began on 2 p.m. but we should registered 1 hour before.. Almost misplaced with Balai Sarbini coz the driver heard about conversation between 2 passengers (one of them is me) about Balai Sarbini (they thought the event will be held there) but unfortunately we arrived on time :p

Then we registered, got some brochures and Buavita (yeah it's mango), sat down in the ballroom and wait. It's really not career day at all I think coz there just like info session, you know like showed us their company profile, explain how each division works, career path and position.. Moreover, it was included Q&A session and sharing session with top directors of Unilever Indonesia.

It took approximately 2.5 hours and near to the end we found it quite bored. Guess what? Boys in front of me (read: Vicko, Gio, Ridho) played Bingo! FYI, they sat on the first row >.< when it's over, people dismissed, took snack box and goody bag which contained soap, shampoo and other cleaning stuffs.. And there was free ice cream from Walls as well! Sadly, the taste wasn't good (come on, it's free!)

As we wait for each other, there was a shocked and (I called it) crazy moment! Well let me tell you.. In front of the ballroom, there were banners with last year trainee's photo. One of them is Rowan, my senior and indeed me as a girl admitted that he's the most good-looking from the others.. But the crazy thing was there was a girl (absolutely not from PM) standing beside Rowan's banner and asked her friend to take a picture of her. OMG, please..

Anyway, forget about the details which mostly unimportant, hahaha.. What I'm going to say in this post is me (and many friends of mine) have to face the career world soon. Like it or not, it's almost there and no one can't change that. So just be prepared and welcome to the career gate!

February 7, 2010

Terry's Day

I can say that today is Terry's day! Why?

1. Good news: My pug dog, Terry Ang is 6 months old today (7.5 kg already, hohoho..)
2. Bad news: England captain, John Terry is fired by Capello due to the sex scandal. So from now on he's not the Three Lions captain anymore :(

As a consequence, my family are going to rethink about the name of our dog. Hmm..

February 6, 2010

Blind Dating

Yesterday I watched a DVD titled Blind Dating, kind of romantic comedy film but I found it was so fresh coz the story is quite different from the others. Here's the synopsis..

Danny (starring by Chris Pine) is smart, handsome (definitely agree!), popular and blind (not just physically, he also can't see how wild women are for him coz even his sexy therapist can't keep her clothes on around Danny!) After a series of painful "blind dates" set up by his brother, Danny falls for a young Indian woman named Leeza and finally everything seems picture perfect. But when cultures clash and Leeza reveals that she's been promised to someone else, Danny must prove her that love is more than meets the eye..

And I really like Danny's quote about love..
"You remember when you tried to tell me what your family thought about love? Well, let me tell you what I think love is. Love is how you speak to me.. You have a softness in your voice that.. And love is how you touch me and guide me, showing me the way to go. And when we kiss.. It moves me to my soul"

Hoho.. So romantic, isn't it? ;)

February 5, 2010

Degrees Of Freedom

I think everyone admires a good life, part of them is about having good relationships with people.. To make it happens sometimes you need to struggle or sacrifice something, so it's absolutely not an easy task in life. What I'm going to share is completely a different idea from the typical advices like communication building and so on..

Somehow I feel that it's better to give a space or distance between two people to make them harmonize. Do you think it's weird? Well, I don't whether it works for others or not but I found it works on me and my mom. Space or distance allows us not to know each other in an extremely detail ways coz we would often had fights because of unimportant things if we were >.<

Mostly while my mom sees an event as an important one then I feel that's not a big thing at all, and vice versa.. Maybe we have many different or contrast opinions and honestly we hard to give in to each other, for real.

I have some real examples.. My mom took a lot of attention to my study life when I was in my elementary school, FYI she always made a Q&A session before I had an exam just to make sure I'll be able to answer the exam test and have good marks, controlled my homework and checked my schedule. It seems nice, right? But I didn't feel comfortable at all..

There were times that I couldn't answer her questions or just felt lazy to work on my homework.. In my opinion, too much know about the process details isn't good anyway. Someone called it the degrees of freedom (I borrowed from you, bro!) yup she doesn't need to know every single details of my study life, providing that I have good academic records and achievements.

Since I wasn't controlled my mom (my final year of elementary school), we hardly ever (maybe never) had conflicts about my study life coz I've showed my responsibility and proved that I'm able to do it well without her supervisory anymore..

That's what I meant by space or distance.. Indeed, it's not a real distance like I live thousand miles from home but it's more like some place (virtual place) that you have on your own and you're free to take care of it whatever you like as long as the result is good :)

February 3, 2010


If you're a stock analyst, especially in Indonesia Stock Exchange, you must be familiar with HMSP. For those who are not, HMSP is the ticker for HM Sampoerna, one of the largest cigarette companies in Indonesia..

Indeed, I'm not a stock analyst but I'm familiar with HMSP coz I've analyzed and valuated the company for about 4 months. It was my individual project from my lecture subject, Business Valuation that assign me to choose one of public companies that listed in BEI, do the valuation and make research reports..

Actually it's like a trial or rehearsal for being a true professional CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) coz the way how they work is similar to my Business Valuation project. Well, it definitely differs in the matter of time and whom do you prepare that report to :)

In short, I found that HM Sampoerna is really a good and prospective company as seen from its financial performance, market position (which is already become a market leader by now), sales growth and company image as well. Therefore, my theme for my research report is "Investing for the future"

Based on my analysis on the cigarette market and my fair value estimation using discounted cash flow method on HM Sampoerna, I came to a fair price of  IDR 13,120/share and its current price was IDR 10,600/share. Hence, I began my research on HM Sampoerna with a BUY recommendation..

FYI, I finished my report 12 hours before deadline and it made me sleep for only 2 hours. Hohoho.. But at the end, I found many benefits I got from this project such as ability to work under pressure, deal with uncertainty and familiar with individual project (read: discipline is the key).

Moreover, I became fall in love with HM Sampoerna.. Hmm, maybe that is what often called "Local Love" haha, I promised my self if I had a lot of money, I would invested in that company! But not for now coz HMSP is a large cap. company, meaning the shares price is quite expensive ;p

Although there's many things I wanna share about the company, I'm not going to copy and paste my full report even the highlights in this post. So just in case if you wanna know more, please feel free to contact me..

February 2, 2010

JT: Speechless

I was a little shock when the 1st time I heard news from my dad that told me John Terry cheated with another girl.. At first, I thought it was a lie or just gossip coz I never ever expect that someone like JT would do such thing like that.

This morning (well, it's almost noon actually coz I wake up late) I was browsing the internet and sadly I found many articles about JT's scandal.. OMG! How could it be a strong captain for both England and Chelsea, best defender in the world, straight husband n good father for his 2 twin cute children (look like), charismatic n loyal person and my favorite football player has a love affair?!

It's really really pathetic, sigh.. What can I say?

February 1, 2010

0102 2010

Just if you care enough and focus about details, you'll know that today's date is unique.. Hehehe, just see the title above! Am I right? ;)

January 30, 2010

What Do I Feel Today?

I feel honored coz I have the opportunity to meet Indonesia's navy VVIP that also can be called a group of oldies (most of them have lived for minimal 60 years in this world). How could it be? Well, I'm absolutely neither part of them nor their families, but I was asked to be an usher in this event. Anyway, the event is book launching of Indonesia's navy history..

I feel in the rush, take a quick walk (read: run) @ PIM, find taxi, worry about being late..

I feel surprised about the “transport fee” which is IDR 250,000 each person! Wow, it’s definitely higher than I expected.. I think what I’ve done which are (only) welcome the guests, make them fill the guest book, give them goody bag and book is really not a heavy job at all. Maybe it’s an exclusive event so the committee strive our professionalism and as a result they also nice about the remuneration! Hoho ;p

I feel too full, both lunch and dinner. I have a buffet lunch, all of them are such great appetites! Even I’m full ready, I can’t refuse for the damn delicious desserts.. For dinner, I buy my parents some pizzas with my own money I've just earned ^^

I feel lucky coz all things are going well today. I’m on schedule (not late), getting things done (especially for my business project), get some fortune today, people treat me well and help me. I really have a blessed day and God assists me in everything I do..

I feel stiff. My heels kill my leg so bad! >.<

I feel proud as part of PMBS. The book launching event is coordinated by Mr. Ping, PMBS alumnus. He is using the activity hall. Yet, there are 4 other events today in PMBS which are info session @ auditorium, Provoke magazines seminar and the 5th Entrepreneur Day..

I feel confused for so many audiences or guests in PMBS at the same time. Therefore, me and my friends should identify each type of audiences well, which event they join to.. But it's quite fun honestly :D

January 29, 2010

Father & Daughter

As my frequency to watch movies increased due to holiday, I realized that many of them have story about father-and-daughter relationship. Really.. From Hollywood to Mandarin, comedy, action, cartoon, the good one, the worst ever! And uniquely, the script writers almost tell nothing about the mother. It could be that she has gone or passed away.. Well, maybe they make it like that so the father-daughter relationship becomes more special :p

Moreover, isn't it familiar that a powerful antagonist such as mafia boss, cruel king or gangster leader has a daughter? Is it just my feeling or what.. Honestly I've never done the statistic before but as long as I remember with my common sense, I found many stories like that.

The question is.. Why? Why not mother-and-son relationship? Coz I hardly ever see that kind of movies. Hmm wait, let me think about all movies I've been watched first..

Loading.. (i'm a movie lover so it's quite long to restore all of my memories about movies stories, hehehe!)

Search results: 0.
Yeah, I can't find any.. Or maybe I've forgotten already but even such movie exists in my memory, it doesn't memorable to me. Hmm, keep looking forward to that kind of movies..

Btw last night I watched DVD of Street Fighter (Legend of Chun-Li), it's not a good movie actually (FYI, it includes the father-and-daughter relationship as well) but I got some words that may become the answer of my question before..

"Father always have a soft spot for their daughters"

P.S. Later on, I'm going to list all movies that have father-and-daughter relationship! Hohoho, just wait another post of mine ;)

January 27, 2010


What's the similarity between "Y", John Terry, Mr. Paul Oppusunggu and Johny Depp? Of course besides their popularity, lately I found what makes them similar!

Although their profile are really different one another (graduate student, football player, lecturer and actor) but one similar thing they have is CHARISMA. Yes, now I realize they're all charismatic people! A characteristic that allow them to get love and respect from many people, including me ;)

January 26, 2010

Resolution 010

My resolution for this year is one and only..

I wanna get Master Degree Scholarship overseas.

That's it! Nothing else..

January 25, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey.. It's Monday afternoon and surprisingly I'm writing my blog! Just can't believe it :D

The reason why I choose words "surprisingly" and "can't believe it" is because it's a really rare moment remembering I've been busy since 1-2 months ago. Actually I've been free since Friday evening but from that time until now I spent my time to watch DVDs, hangout and having quality time with my family n my dog.. Hoho, life is damn beautiful!

And here comes the official week that I'm free from the academic life.. Hoho, but it's not the end of the journey anyway. Up next.. There will be business project for my last assignment in the 8th semester if I want to graduate (of course I want!) but there won't be lectures, quizzes, exams, presentations, etc. Isn't that great?!

I know maybe I'm gonna miss them all but for now I'm very thankful I have passed through those processes.. And by the time I live my life for the next period of time, I promise I will more often to update this blog. Come on, it's almost 1 month after new year and I haven't post anything? Hahaha.. It's not like me ;p